GUIDA DI ROMA SOTTERRANEA (edición en italiano)

Author: Carlo Pavia

terest and involve as many people as possible in the knowledge and preservation of the underground heritage of Rome. His passion for this subject has led him to explore and photograph countless underground spaces, revealing a hidden world full of wonders and mysteries.

Carlo Pavia, in his book «Guide to Underground Rome», invites readers to discover the hidden beauty and vast unexplored spaces that lie beneath the city. With his clear and captivating language, he takes them on a journey through the underground, providing descriptions that are both illuminating and accessible to all.

As a scholar of Ancient Archaeology and Topography, Carlo Pavia has dedicated himself to the study and documentation of subterranean Ancient Rome. His extensive knowledge and expertise are reflected in his numerous books and articles on the subject, which are widely recognized and published in regional, national, and international journals.

In his role as founder and director of the journal FORMA VRBIS, Carlo Pavia aims to engage and educate a wide audience about the underground heritage of Rome. His dedication to preserving and sharing this hidden world is evident in his meticulous exploration and documentation of underground spaces.

«Guide to Underground Rome» is not only a book for scholars and archaeology enthusiasts, but also a valuable resource for anyone wishing to embark on a visit to the largest hidden museum in the world – Underground Rome. Carlo Pavia’s passion and expertise make this book an essential guide for those curious about the wonders that lie beneath the surface of the Eternal City.



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