ABANDONED LEBANON (edición en inglés)

Author: James Kerwin

Lebanon, a country with a rich architectural heritage, is home to a variety of remarkable buildings that have sadly fallen into disrepair over time. These abandoned structures tell stories of a glorious past, but also reflect the devastating effects of civil wars and other tragic events.

One of the most remarkable buildings in Zokak el-Blat, Beirut, is the abandoned mansion of a former prime minister. Once a symbol of power and elegance, it now stands as a haunting reminder of a bygone era. Nearby, a once glorious hotel bears the scars of war, its walls echoing the sounds of past conflicts.

In Deir El Qamar, a 17th-century palace stands as a testament to Lebanon’s rich history. Despite its age, the palace still exudes a sense of grandeur, but it too has suffered the ravages of time.

Another intriguing structure is a stunning yet unfinished passion project. Each arch of the structure reflects a different civilization, showcasing the diverse cultural influences that have shaped Lebanon throughout the centuries. However, this architectural masterpiece remains incomplete, a silent witness to the dreams and ambitions of its creator.

Hidden amidst the urban landscape, a sublime abandoned 14th-century hammam stands as a testament to the country’s rich cultural heritage. Its faded beauty and intricate designs tell a story of a time long gone.

Further north, the Tripoli International Fair complex, an ensemble built by Oscar Niemeyer, lies deserted. This architectural marvel, intended to showcase Lebanon’s economic prowess, fell into disrepair even before its completion. Now, its empty halls stand as a reminder of unfulfilled promises.

These deserted buildings are not isolated cases. Throughout Lebanon, grandiose dilapidated architecture can be found, a result of civil wars, lack of consideration for a heritage in danger, and tragic events such as the Beirut port explosion. Time has taken its toll on these architectural gems, leaving behind a poignant reminder of what once was.

En medio de este panorama desolador, una serie de fotografías excepcionales nos permite apreciar la belleza perdida de estos tesoros arquitectónicos. A través de las imágenes, podemos viajar en el tiempo y revivir el esplendor de tiempos pasados, al tiempo que nos enfrentamos a la realidad de su deterioro actual.

Esperamos que estas fotografías sirvan como un llamado de atención para preservar y proteger el patrimonio arquitectónico de Líbano. Estos edificios abandonados son mucho más que simples estructuras de cemento y piedra; son testigos mudos de la historia y la cultura de un país. Debemos trabajar juntos para asegurar que estas joyas arquitectónicas no se pierdan para siempre.



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